Distributed Energy Resource Integration
Tata Power-DDL is collaborating with technology partners towards leading 'Distributed Energy Resource Integration' to ensure better peak load management and reliable power. From installing Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to live peer-to-peer (P2P) Solar Energy Trading and setting up Urban Micro Grid, we are bringing in technological breakthroughs to ensure better peak load management, system flexibility and reliable power to our consumers.
Key Success Stories in Battery Storage
We have successfully demonstrated the battery storage solutions as three levels – Grid level storage, Distribution Transformer level, and Pole mounted level.
10 MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) - South Asia's First
TATA Power-DDL in collaboration with AES & Mitsubishi has installed South Asia’s First 10 MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) at Rohini Grid-24 which is providing variety of benefits to DISCOM and Consumers including Demand Side Management, Frequency Regulation & Supply reliability to key consumers.
Applications of BESS at Tata Power-DDL
- Demand Side Management/Peak Reduction - Use energy storage to reduce electricity demand during peak demand periods, recharging during low demand periods.
- Energy Arbitrage – Purchase off-peak electricity at low prices for charging the storage system, so that stored energy can be used or sold at a later time when the price of purchased electricity is high. This is sometimes referred to as electric energy time–shift.
- Frequency Regulation for ancillary market – Manage the interchange flows between control areas to maintain frequency within the tolerance bands.
- Renewables Firming – Use energy storage in tandem with intermittent wind or solar to provide a more predictable power supply.
- Transmission/Distribution System Deferral – Defer and/or reduce the need to build new generation/distribution capacity.

Community Energy Storage System (CESS) - Storage at DT Level
Tata Power-DDL has collaborated with Nexcharge to power up India’s First grid connected – Community Energy Storage System (CESS) at Rani Bagh substation, Delhi. CESS having capacity of 150KW/528KWH at Ranibagh Substation will improve the supply reliability at the distribution level that is mainly at load centre to mitigate peak load on Distribution Transformers.

Pole Mounted Battery Energy Storage System
An example of creative and innovative energy storage solution catering to localized energy needs. The system, serving 20kW / 20kWh energy, is designed to be quite compact in size and is installed on a typical concrete pole of distribution network. The system helps handling peak demand at local transformer level itself and thus improving power reliability for the customers. Additionally, amalgamation of the solution with smart grid technologies enhances distribution system performance and reduces asset upgrade costs.

Blockchain enabled Peer to Peer (P2P) Energy Trading
Tata Power-DDL in collaboration with ISGF and Power Ledger, is conducting a first-of-its-kind pilot project in Delhi with the following objectives:
- To test the technical viability and value proposition of P2P energy trading at the identified sites of TPDDL and for prosumers and consumers within our network.
- Develop a suitable business model for Blockchain enabled Peer to Peer (P2P) energy trading in Delhi.
More than 100 locations comprising Tata Power-DDL's own buildings and prosumers are participating in this project.

Urban Micro Grid
Tata Power-DDL is setting up an Urban Micro Grid - “Integrated local energy systems (Energy islands)” in Civil lines St. Xaviers School, Delhi as a part of H2020: iElectrix-Shakti project funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. It includes demonstration of Battery Energy storage (274 KWh), Smart grids, renewable energy through rooftop solar, grid digitalization, local energy commodities & demand side response.